Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Abortion worldwide.

After writing the last post I remembered something.
When I was still in high school, there was a girl sitting next to me in my economics class.
She seemed to be prepared for life, she was very realistic and very smart as well not to mention quiet. She rarely spoke. I tried having a conversation with her multiple times but most of the times I failed because of how quiet she can get. We had prom and in one of those attempts to talk to her, I made prom be the subject for there is always so much to talk about! But as I finished asking if she had a good time, I noticed the sad expression in her face. She then explained to me that she was not able to go to prom since she had been hospitalized because she had a miscarriage. I couldn't help but feel bad for mking her remember those hard moments. What should have been a great memory, turned out to be the most horrible experience a girl can go through. I never suspected she would be the type to become pregnant at such a young age.
I don't understand how some women can have the 'luxury' to choose whether to have or not to have a baby once they know they have gotten pregnant. This girl didn't have a choice, she had to accept the fact that she had lost her baby... Where in their hearts can a woman find the determination to end their unborn babies lives? I think that there should be more regulations to how abortion is practiced, and provide support for women who go through these type of hardships, and come up with some kind of mandatory organization to give teens orientation so that they don't have to face such a crude reality.

Some find it easy.

Last Tuesday, I was at home babysitting my brother, still working on the essays for English class. I find it funny when I'm dealing with a problem and everything around me suddenly changes, it becomes all related to the topic I'm dealing with.
There's news and polls about abortion on TV ever since I chose that topic, but it shocked me to know that people close to me were dealing with this at the momet. I get a call from one of my closest friends, and tells me that she could probably be pregnant. What? I was shocked and didn't know what to say, I just never expected something like that from her, she always seemed to have her life together. Good student, mature, and very intelligent...then how did this happen?
One of my subtopics was how teenagers nowadays become sexually active at a younger age, my friend seems to be one of them. She told me how everything happened, and though her partner used protection, she somehow felt that something went wrong. What bothers me is the immediate reaction of the guy: he freaks out, he gets scared and begs her to have an abortion...
She hesitated to say anything, for she considered it was just a panic attack, but as days went by, he kept asking her not to keep the baby... His attitude towards her changed completely, he began to act in a very rude and insensitive way to the point that he told her she never was a friend to her, she was a mistake, and that he did her a favor. Now, my friend knows better, she's not letting him affect the position in which she stands, which is AGAINST abortion, but she doesn't understand why he changed all this much, they've known each other for years!
Why does a guy feel so comfortable in suggesting an abortion? Why can't they put themselves in our position and understand that it's not like choosing a shirt over an other? HELLO! There's a life at sake here! He said one of the reasons was because he didn't want to have children with the wrong person...OK, that's understandable, in fact very nice, but then why take the risk when you know what the outcome is? No one is exempt from reality! I'm proud of my friend for not changing her point of view regarding abortion, both of us think that abortion is not an answer to the problem. The problem really is, making bad decisions that get you to this other situation which sometimes takes the lives of many children before they're even born...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An easy way out? Abortion.

Abortion. A very delicate subject to talk about, but more complicated and risky it is to make the decision to have one. Many reasons are hidden behind it, but it is a woman's decision to take that step. Many women have abortions each year in the United States, 80% of them bing practiced on unmarried women. What is ith that pushes a woman to take care of her 'problem' this way?

Ever since the government made abortions legal within a certain period of time, abortion rates have shown an obvious and scary increase, "the abortion rate in the United States was higher than recent rates reported for Canada and Western European countries and lower than rates reported for China, Cuba, the majority of Eastern European countries."

Besides being a 'solution,' abortion should be seen like a crime such as commiting murder; after all it does involve killing a human being, though unborn, it's still there.

What makes this situation even scarier is the fact that the U.S. government decided to make it possible for teenagers to have an abortion without their parents' consent. Don't they realize what this does? For example, a teenager, not bein mature enough to make this type of decisions, can think 'oh well, if I were to get pregnant I can just abort the baby, and I won't get in trouble.'

Teenagers don't have any idea of how important it is to practice safe sex, neither do they know what a big responsibility it is to bring a child to the world. I believe the government should reconsider this decision.